Digital Literary Studies    


Writing Assignments

Essay III

Due on D2L, no later than 5:00 p.m. Friday 11 May

Annotated Bibliography

Due on D2L, no later than 12:00 p.m. Friday 27 April

Two sample bibliographies from past classes: Sample 1 and Sample 2

Essay II

Due on D2L, no later than 9:30 a.m. Monday 16 April

Analysis V

Due Thursday, 5 April at 11:59 PM on D2L
In a single, well-ordered paragraph of between 200 and 400 words, use Huizinga's notion of play to revisit your analysis IV. Argue that what separates your chosen "game" from your chosen "non-game" is play-- that play, in Huizinga's model, occurs in one of these two but not in the other.
Feel free to use my reading notes on Huizinga's essay to help focus and refine your approach to play.

Analysis IV

In a single, well-ordered paragraph of between 250 and 400 words, use Juul's definition of a game to argue that one object selected by you is indeed a game, while another object selected by you appears to be a game but fails the test of one or more aspects of gameness as defined by Juul's essay. Due by 11:59 on Sunday, 1 April on D2L.

Essay I

Due on D2L, no later than 5:00 p.m. Monday 5 March

Analysis III

In a single, well-ordered paragraph of between 250 and 400 words, extract one distinct thesis-like point from Genette's essay and apply it to reading (and/or writing) in an electronic environment. Due by the start of class, 4:15 pm on Wednesday 22 February on D2L.

Analysis II

In a single, well-ordered paragraph of between 250 and 400 words, work to define the style of "reading" (shorthand for literary analysis & interpretation) Moretti proposes in his article from NLH. Consider the concept of "close reading" -- which Moretti never defines but is fairly foundational within English studies (see this Wikipedia article) as an opponent to what he proposes. How does his model fit within the various modes of reading facilitated by technology, as Kirschenbaum and our seminar have considered? How might technology work to assist and develop the mode of reading Moretti favors? Use evidence as appropriate from Moretti, Kirschenbaum, Unsworth, and other sources. Due by the start of class, 4:15 pm on Wednesday 15 February on D2L.

Analysis I

In a well ordered paragraph of between 250 and 400 words, use McKenzie Wark's first chapter from Gamer Theory, Agony on the Cave, to investigate, highlight, and flesh out the thesis (theses?) offered by Kirschenbaum in his piece "How Reading is Being Reimagined" from the Chronicle of Higher Ed. Make sure you have a central thesis of your own, supported with evidence from both Kirschenbaum and Wark. I'm looking for you to engage with the medium of presentation for this text, not (yet) the ideas being offered. For contrast, consider more ordinary electronic reading environments: Ars Technica or Glenn Greenwald's column for Salon (which, by the by, uses javascript nicely to show and hide the extended posts). Due on D2L, no later than 4:00 pm Wednesday 8 February.